Solar PV and canal irrigation financing: Leveraging energy cash flow for sustainable agriculture

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Dan Barbulescu
Sudhakar Kumarasamy



This research paper explores the innovative financing model for integrating Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems with canal irrigation infrastructure. The focus is on utilizing energy cash flow generation to fund these sustainable projects. The study investigates the potential benefits, economic feasibility, and environmental impacts of this model, particularly in regions with extensive canal networks and high solar insolation. A specific case study of the Siret-Bărăgan irrigation canal in Romania, powered by floating photovoltaic systems, is analysed in detail. This study explores the feasibility and benefits of financing the Siret-Bărăgan irrigation canal in Romania through the integration of floating Photovoltaic (PV) systems. The project aims to address water scarcity, enhance agricultural productivity, and promote sustainable energy production. By leveraging green bond financing, the initiative proposes a financially viable and environmentally sustainable solution to Romania's irrigation and energy challenges. The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the project's technical, economic, and environmental aspects, underscoring its potential as a model for similar projects globally.


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Article Details

Dan Barbulescu, & Sudhakar Kumarasamy. (2024). Solar PV and canal irrigation financing: Leveraging energy cash flow for sustainable agriculture. Repositories of Agriculture, 012–017.
Research Article(s)

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