As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
For Articles
Peertechz publishes Open Access journals and considers outstanding research articles, letters and reviews, case reports, short reports, editorials, commentary, communications, and letters to the editor within the aim and scope of the Journals. All submissions are submitted online. Our website is compatible with most web browsers and can be used from all OS. If the submission process is interrupted, you can return to the website and resume the process where you left off. Files can be submitted as an archive file or individual file.
Research/Review Article Format:
Manuscripts must include the title, names of each author (and their degrees), affiliations and should identify the corresponding author. Submissions should generally include the following sections: Abstract, Keywords, List of abbreviations, Introduction/background explaining the need for the study, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References, illustrations, figures (if any), tables and their respective captions and keys.
Preparation of additional files:
Authors should provide clear information for the required fields, including figures, tables, and legends and titles to each figure or table. Figures should be in image format (preferably jpeg). Tables should be in table form not in image format. If you have questions about preparing files for submission, contact the Editorial Office for assistance.
For other submissions:
Title, name, affiliation and address of all authors and identification of the corresponding author
Introduction, Results, Conclusions, References
Figures and Tables
Criteria for Online Submissions
Manuscripts must be submitted by the corresponding author only (not on their behalf).
The corresponding author is the responsible for submitting and responding to the peer review process, requests from the editor or editorial office.
Manuscripts must be in British English or US only (one or the other, not both).
The Editorial Office uses a plagiarism detection system that is applied to each manuscript. The corresponding author will be notified if plagiarism is detected and must respond to any concerns from the Editorial Office
The Editorial Office has the right to reject a manuscript at any stage of the process.
Peertechz welcomes only online submission
Peertechz depends entirely on funds provided by the contributor/research sponsor/universities/institutions. In general, if the institution has a Membership from Peertechz Publication and the author is from the member institution, processing and the publishing costs are covered by the membership and there is no further charge. Once accepted and published, there is no charge to view and download your entire article online. This free-view feature significantly enhances the visibility and likelihood for citation of your publication. We may discount the publishing cost of some articles, particularly for authors from underdeveloped countries, or with limited Institution/University funding, or for articles of exceptional significance. To apply for a fee waiver please request so (and include a letter of explanation) during the submission process. A decision on the waiver is normally be made during the publication process.
For Abstracts
Abstracts: Peertechz publishes abstracts of preliminary research presented at scientific or medical meetings or as part of a Special Issue journal or in response to a Call for Abstracts in a particular field of study. The Abstract should not exceed 350 words and must be structured into separate sections: Background (context and purpose of the study), Results (the main findings) and Conclusions (brief summary and potential implications). Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract. Conference/meeting organizers should contact Peertechz regarding their publishing needs.
Graduate Thesis or Dissertation
Theses and dissertations represent the student author’s research or study or an extended analysis of a topic completed under the supervision of faculty at their institution as part of the requirements for a Masters degree (thesis) or Doctorate (dissertation), as set forth by the university or faculty committee. As with research articles, the structure of the thesis or dissertation explains the purpose of the treatise, a substantial historical review of the previous literature relevant to the topic of the study, describes the methodology including statistics and results and balanced discussion and conclusions of the project. However, the structure and contents of the treatise is ultimately subject to the requirements and formal approval of a Thesis or Dissertation Committee. Theses or dissertations should be submitted with a letter from the University or appropriate committee chairperson that the treatise has been approved. The thesis or dissertation will then be published without modification.
Peertechz considers the publication of theses or dissertations in broad areas of science, medicine and technology. Complete theses or dissertations can be submitted online from graduates and postgraduates as described above. This online submission process is very compatible with available web browsers and can be used from all OS platforms. If the submission process is interrupted, data is saved and can be resumed from the point of interruption. When completed, please go to the Submit a Thesis page and choose one of the peer-reviewed journals for the treatise. Then follow step-by-step process to submit the thesis.
In a thesis by publication, the chapters constitute an introductory and comprehensive gist of the appended published and unpublished documents.
Peertechz recognizes the value of video communications over printed documents in some areas of science, medicine and technology as well as education. Peertechz will consider recent and exceptional research videos in these areas. Please contact the Editor of the appropriate journal before submitting a video project, to determine if it is within the aim and scope of the journal. All submissions can be submitted online. The online submission process is very well suited with accessible web browsers that can be used from all OS platforms. If the submission process is interrupted as they submit their work, they can carry on where they left off. Files can be submitted as an archive file or individual file.
Research/Review Articles:
Submissions should include the title, name(s) and affiliations(s) of the author(s) and their degree and the name of the corresponding author who will interact with the Editorial Office. Submissions should include the following: abstract, keywords, introduction, list of abbreviations, materials and methods, results, conclusions, full reference citations and acknowledgements. References should be identified by number (not author name) in the order of appearance in the text. Figures, tables and captions, videos, or additional files should be sent as separate attachments. Author(s) should provide clear information for those required fields including figures, tables, and legends or title to each figure or table. Figures should be in image format whereas tables should be in table form (not in image format).
Submission Criteria for Online Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted to the Journal by one of the authors of the manuscript, and should not be submitted by anyone not listed as an author.
The submitting author is responsible for responding to questions or requests from the Editor or Journal office and for submitting the manuscript in standard English (US English or British English but not as a mixture).
To facilitate rapid publication and to minimize administrative costs, Peertechz Open Access journals accept only online submissions.
The Editorial office uses plagiarism detection software (iThenticate). By submitting a manuscript to the Journal you represent that the material is original and your own and you agree that the manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.
The submission may be suspended or rejected at any stage of the review or publication process if redundant or plagiarized content is detected without specifying and crediting the source.
The Copyright policy demonstrates the rights related to the publication and distribution of a submitted article. It governs how authors (as well as their employers or funders), publishers and the wider general public can use, publish and distribute the articles. Copyright aims to protect the specific way the article has been written to describe an experiment and the results. Peertechz is committed to its authors to protect and defend their work and their reputation and takes allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethic disputes and fraud very seriously.
All the journals operate in Open Access mode and the copyright on any open access article in a journal published by Peertechz is retained by the author(s). Authors identify themselves as original publishers and provide a cover letter with a declaration that they are granting permission to Peertechz to publish their articles.
The copyright policy allows the authors to grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified. These terms and conditions of published articles are according to The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
In case an author is prevented from being a copyright holder due to some government led regulations or any other circumstances, the authors should inform Peertechz during or immediately after submission of their article. Once the article is published, claims for changes in copyright line cannot be entertained.
If you have any other query related to copyright policy, Please write to